The Truce (Butler Ranch Book 2) Page 18
“Think I should shave it off?”
“No, I like it.”
“What else did Kade say?”
“That was it. One sentence. Leave things alone. Damn anesthesia. Just when I was getting it out of my system, now I have to start all over.”
“I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for.”
“I wish I knew what was going on between your family and mine. I’d ask Gabe, but if I saw him right now, I’m afraid of what I might do to him.”
“He was here a few minutes ago, but I threw him out.”
Maddox wasn’t sure what to say. He was glad she had, but he was her brother, and there was something going on that made him throw that punch. It was meant for him, not Alex. If she hadn’t jumped between them, she wouldn’t be in this hospital bed.
He was still too angry to seek Gabe out, but soon he would, and then he’d get to the bottom of why Gabe was so mad in the first place.
“What are you thinking about?”
“Liar. Come closer.”
When he did, Alex ran her fingers over his forehead. “Your brow is furrowed.”
“Yeah? I guess it’s because I’m worried about you.”
“No big deal. Gabe’s punch just landed in the exact right place to rupture the internal surgical site.”
“How bad was it?”
“Not bad, they fixed it laparoscopically. Look.” Alex moved the gown away from her abdomen and showed Maddox three small incisions.
“You can hardly see them.”
“I don’t have to start over with the healing process. I swear I’d kill Gabe if I had to do that.”
He knew she didn’t mean it the way he was feeling it. He’d never felt the kind of rage he did when Alex crumpled to the ground after Gabe hit her. He never thought he could kill another human being, but in that moment, he knew he could’ve, and it scared the shit out of him.
“Did anyone say how long you have to be in here?”
“I can go home tomorrow if things go okay.”
“That’s great,” he murmured.
“You’re distracted.”
“Hard not to be. There’s a reason Gabe came looking for one of my brothers, and I need to find out what it is.”
“He’s such an asshole. I can’t remember much about what happened. What did he say?”
“I believe his exact words were, ‘where is that no-good, fucking brother of yours?’”
“Do you think he meant Naughton?”
“Both Brodie and Naughton were at Demetria. I can’t figure out what he’d want with either, though.”
“How’d you come up with the name?”
Maddox explained that the land originally belonged to Lena’s mother’s parents, and that was what the estate was called then. It was only after her mother married Fred Hess that people started calling it the Hess estate.
“I like it.”
“Yeah, as soon as Naught and I heard it, we knew. We didn’t even have to talk about it. We just knew. Now I’m not sure. All the shit with Kade and Lena…”
“Forget about Kade and Lena. It’s in the past. It’s a good name, and it feels right. That’s all that matters.”
“You’re right, I guess.”
“You guess. Will you ever learn, Mad?” She smiled and so did he. “Tell me about it.”
“From what we’ve seen so far, Lena’s grandparents had a very advanced operation at one time. She said her grandfather suffered from Parkinson’s, and after he died, her mother didn’t want to live in the house.”
“What house?”
“I keep forgetting you haven’t really been there.” Maddox shook his head.
“What does that mean?”
“Every step I took, I imagined you being there with me. That’s why I keep forgetting you weren’t. There’s so much I want to show you. The house is just one of many amazing things I’ve discovered.”
“Tell me more.”
Maddox described it as he had seen it, one discovery after another. The vineyards, the views, the caves, and finally the winery and house on the hilltop. He left out the part about the barrels of wine he and Naughton discovered, that evidently weren’t there any longer.
“What did Naught mean when he said the wine was gone?”
“It’s like you can read my mind. I was just thinking about that. When we were exploring the caves, we found a locked room full of barrels of wine. I only tasted from one, but I think it was all Cabernet Sauvignon. At first I thought it was wine left there from years ago, but once Naught shown light on them, it was evident the barrels were new, confirming the wine I tasted wasn’t very old.”
Alex closed her eyes, and worry marked her forehead the way it had his. “Who do you think it belongs to?”
Maddox shrugged.
“The bond.”
“It’s only one theory, Al.”
“Tell me more about the house.”
“It isn’t in bad shape, considering it’s sat empty for twenty-odd years. Needs a floor to ceiling cleaning, but otherwise, I think it might be inhabitable.”
“Will you live there?”
“I’m not sure. It depends.”
“On what?”
“How well you like it.” From the moment he set foot inside, he envisioned Alex living there with him. He hadn’t even seen the whole house. He didn’t make it upstairs after the heartache episode.
“What does Naught think of it?”
“I haven’t asked. Naughton is never forthcoming with much information when you do ask, let alone when you don’t.”
“Ask him.”
“I will.”
“Will you take me there?”
“Sure. As soon as you’re up to it.”
Maddox smiled. Alex’s eyes were drifting closed. Soon she’d be asleep, and he could stare at her all he wanted. She was a beautiful girl, who’d matured into a stunning woman. She was smart, funny, and definitely kept him on his toes. To think he almost lost her, because of his own stupid pride.
“What are you thinking about now?” she murmured.
“Why, do I look worried?”
“No, you look happy.”
Maddox leaned forward and kissed her. “I was thinking about how much I love you.”
“Mmm. I like that. I love you too, Maddox.”
Crazy to think that in all those years, they never told each other how they felt, and yet now, the words were so easy to say.
“I’m gonna sleep for a little bit.”
“Go right ahead. I’ll go down and grab some food, but I’ll be right back.”
Alex’s eyes were closed, but she nodded and smiled.
“Can I see her?” Peyton asked when Maddox walked back into the waiting room.
“Of course you can, but she might be asleep.”
“Maybe we should come back later,” she said to Brodie. “Lucia will want to see her, and…”
“Go up and see her now,” Maddox told her. “She may not be talkative, but she’ll be disappointed when she wakes up later to hear you were here but she didn’t get the chance to talk to you.”
“If you’re sure.”
“Peyton, I’m not Alex’s gatekeeper. Go.” He nudged her with his shoulder, and she smiled.
“There he is.” Alex was sitting up in bed when Maddox came back upstairs later.
“Have you slept at all?”
“Peyton was here, and then they brought food.” Alex ran her hand over her tray. “Not particularly appetizing food, but sustenance at least.”
“Want me to go get you something better?”
“No, I don’t want you to leave. You could send someone, though.”
He smiled, not just with his mouth, but through his eyes too.
“What would you like?”
Alex raised her eyebrows.
“You got it, Mad-man. I guess I better ask first
if I can have it.”
Alex pressed the button on the call box, and studied Maddox. He held on to so much tension, she could see it on his face, and in his shoulders. His arm twitched, as though he fought the reflex to rub the back of his neck.
“How was your visit with Peyton?”
“Good. I feel like crap about Stave though. I feel like I’ve abandoned it completely. That’s what we talked about most.”
“That you’ve abandoned Stave?”
“No, and yes. But not in a bad way. She asked if I’d agree to offering Sam a full-time job.”
“Would you?”
“Of course. We’ve talked about it before, but then we decided it was silly since between the two of us, we had a lot of flexibility. Now that she’s pregnant, she and Brodie are looking for a place to live…”
“Does Sam want the job?”
“Definitely. In fact, I think it was Sam’s idea. She’s been putting in so many hours, she might’ve been looking for a raise.”
“That’s great, Al.”
“It’s silly to ask you what you’re thinking about. I mean, there’s so much, but what right this minute?”
“I want to meet with the attorney. Naught says he doesn’t know anything, but still.”
“Have you tried to reach Lena?”
“I did earlier, when I went downstairs.”
“The number’s no longer valid.”
“Why would she disconnect her number?”
“Good question. She told me she was leaving yesterday, which I didn’t think was a big deal.”
“You found out she was married to Kade, but now that you know, what reason would there be for her to leave?”
“You think there’s something else she’s hiding.”
“I have no idea what though.”
“So, about that pizza?”
“Yeah, where is that nurse?”
“Can you see if you can find her?”
Maddox nodded, and left the room. Alex grabbed her cell and texted Gabe.
You want me to forgive you, tell me why you were looking for Naughton.
Alex watched the three dots on her phone, waiting to see what Gabe’s response was.
It took him that long to text one word?
Later tonight.
Maddox came back in the room. “You’re approved for junk food. Naught’s on his way to get your favorites.”
“All of them?”
“You got it.”
“Do you know all my favorites, Mad?”
He raised an eyebrow, and smiled. “He’s gonna pick up some stuff for me, and get the pizza on the way back. Can you wait forty-five minutes, or do you want me to go downstairs and get you something to tide you over?”
“I’m pretty hungry. What’s he getting for you?”
“Clothes, my toothbrush. That kind of stuff.”
“Why do you think?”
“You’re staying here tonight?”
“Sure am. Nurse Lucy is arranging for a cot for me now.”
“You’re kidding.”
Maddox shook his head, and sat on the side of the bed. “You’re gonna have a damn hard time gettin’ rid of me now, Alex.”
Shit. Now what? She wouldn’t be able to talk to Gabe with Maddox here.
“You don’t look happy.”
Alex thought a lot about what she wanted to say before she said it, and Maddox uncharacteristically waited patiently.
“I’m used to us going our separate ways pretty much all the time.”
Maddox didn’t say anything, so she kept talking.
“It isn’t as though I don’t believe you’ll stick around, it’s just that it’s always been my decision.”
He smiled.
“And you’ve done a good job letting me come and go.”
Maddox nodded.
“When I didn’t look happy, it was because I texted Gabe earlier and told him he needed to tell me why he was looking for Naughton this morning.”
“If I’m here, he can’t do that. Or won’t.”
“He sure wanted you to listen to him this morning, enough to pound on you.”
“What’s the problem then?”
“You don’t want to see him.”
“Got it. So you’re thinking for me.”
Alex nodded.
“You’re used to having to, but you don’t anymore.”
“See how easy that was? I noticed you were unhappy, you told me why, now we can work out a solution.”
“Think that means we’re grownups?”
“We’re gettin’ there. What did you tell Gabe?”
Alex showed him the text.
“Text him again and tell him to come now.”
“Where will you be?”
He winked. “Right here, Al, by your side. Why can’t you remember that?”
“Okay, I guess a hospital is the best place for you to be if you’re gonna try to kill each other.”
Maddox had no intention of hurting Gabe. The longer he talked to Alex, and felt her next to him, the less angry he was at her brother. Gabe hadn’t meant to hurt Alex, and he must’ve had a good reason for taking a swing at him.
Naughton came in a half hour later carrying a pizza box, a paper bag, and a few other carryout boxes.
“Whatcha got there?”
“You said she wanted pizza, and a bunch of other junk food.” Naughton set the boxes and bag on the ledge by the window. “Wings, garlic bread, dipping sauce, candy, cookies, and soda.”
“Did you get my stuff?”
“Still in the truck.”
“I’ll walk you out.”
“Guess I’m leaving. Bye, Alex.”
“Bye, Naughton. Thanks for the food.”
Maddox leaned over and kissed her forehead. “Be right back.”
“You two are lookin’ more like Peyton and Brodie today,” Naught said while they waited for the elevator.
“I’m gonna try.”
“To do what?”
“Get her to marry me.”
Naughton didn’t say anything else until they got to the truck.
“Thanks for bringing Al’s food, and for picking up my stuff.”
“No problem.” Naughton handed Maddox his bag, climbed in the truck, closed the door, and started the engine. Maddox backed away and watched his brother drive off.
Did Gabe think Naughton was somehow mixed up in Los Cab’s bond issue? And if he did, why?
There was no reason for Naught to care what kind of business the Avila’s winery did. What was good for them was good for everyone else in the collaborative.
The feud between the two families ended over five years ago, and it hadn’t been Naught’s feud, it was between their father and Alfonso Avila.
His involvement made no sense. Naughton was a live and let live kind of guy. He wouldn’t have the time or interest to interfere in anyone else’s business.
The missing wine barrels were a clue though. Did the wine belong to Los Cab, and if it did, had Gabe come looking for it this morning?
Something else was bothering him. Maddox looked back through his texts from Naughton, and noticed his brother had texted him before seven this morning.
How had Naughton managed to get the labor crew started, find out Lena left and her house was empty, and gone to the caves to find the wine missing between the time he left Butler Ranch, and the time he sent the text?
“Hear anything from Gabe?”
“I’m surprised you didn’t see him on your way up. He should be here any minute.”
“Any food left?”
Alex stuck her tongue out at him.
“Don’t offer somethin’ you aren’t capable of delivering, Al.”
Maddox opened the pizza box. “You haven’t had any.”
Uh, not supposed to get out of bed on my own.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize…”
“You should be sorry. Here I am starving to death, and you don’t even think of giving me a piece of pizza before you leave.”
She might be teasing now, but there was a time he wouldn’t have given her or her hunger a second thought.
“Knock, knock.” Gabe stood in the doorway, hands in his pockets.
“Hi, Gabe.” Maddox walked over and reached out to shake hands.
“If I were you I’d take a swing at me, not shake my hand.”
“Yeah, well, you weren’t lookin’ for me this morning, and you sure as hell didn’t mean to hit your sister.”
Gabe shook Maddox’s hand, and walked over to Alex.
“I owe you more than one apology, Alex.”
“You sure do. Hug me, Gabe, and tell me how sorry you are.”
Maddox watched Gabe lean down and gently hug his sister. Alex closed her eyes, but he knew she was crying.
“All that stuff I said, I was wrong. I’ve been stressed to the max, and none of it was your fault.”
“Why didn’t you just tell me the truth, Gabe?”
Gabe looked at Maddox. “Because I thought you’d tell him.”
“Tell us both, and let’s see if we can get to the bottom of what’s going on.”
“You sure you want to do this?” Gabe looked at Alex and then back at Maddox.
“No one expects you to handle everything on your own, Gabe.”
He pointed at the chair near Alex’s bed. “Mind if I sit? Haven’t been sleeping very well.”
Alex nodded at her brother, and motioned for him to move closer.
“Start at the beginning, if you can.”
Gabe leaned forward in the chair, and put his elbows on his knees.
“Eli came to me about six months ago, saying he thought it was time for him to work someplace other than Los Cab. He had a lot of reasons why he wanted to leave, most of which had to do with me, and the way he said I treat him.
“I only half-listened to him. And when he was done talking, I told him he was crazy to leave a good job with his own family’s winery, and that I doubted he’d find anything else that would pay half as much.”
Gabe sat up, and looked between Maddox and Alex again. “Asshole, right?”
Alex nodded, but smiled. “Go on, Gabe.”
“Things went downhill from there. Eli was pissed at me, and I was pissed right back at him. We only argued, we never talked.”